Any kind of injury can be discouraging and can be harmful to your health over a long period of time. There are many different situations in which an injury can be sustained. Sports mishaps, car accidents, or simple day-to-day tumbles. With any accident, there is the potentiality for getting a serious injury. It is extremely important that in the event of an accident that you get a medical assessment in order to confirm that you do not have a serious injury. Even if you do not think that you are injured, it is vital to get a check up because doctors can check for less visible injuries that may have had a later onset.
In car accidents especially, individuals can be shocked and confused following the incident, meaning that they are less likely to notice serious injuries or injuries that could develop into something more concerning. Also, some injuries are innately more serious than others. If you suspect that you have had injury having to do with the head, it is crucial to see a doctor. Concussions are not to be trifled with, so if you suspect that you or someone you know has a concussion, make sure to get it checked out and get the proper treatment.
What Is A Concussion?
A concussion is a head injury that can be further classified as a brain injury. A concussion occurs when there is blow to the head that causes the brain and head to move in a violent shaking motion. Concussions can occur to players of high contact sports and are especially prevalent to people involved in car accidents. When a concussion occurs there are different symptoms that commonly take place.
The victim of a concussion may not show symptoms for a while after the injury and the symptoms can last for several weeks.Common symptoms of a concussion include headaches, amnesia, and confusion. Other possible symptoms could include nausea, vomiting, ringing in the ears, blurred vision, extreme tiredness, or tiredness. A concussed person can also display other symptoms of a concussion immediately following the injury or up to several days later including difficulty concentrating, a dazed look, sensitivity to light and sound, difficulty sleeping and forgetfulness. The trauma that caused the concussion could also travel down the neck and spine, causing neck and back pain.
Although a concussion itself is not life threatening, it can lead to serious complications that could lead to hazardous complications. So after a blow to the head, make sure to go to the doctor. After being diagnosed with a concussion, there are several steps that you can take that can help you recover and help your brain heal.
Treatments For Concussions
There is not a cure for concussions, however there are treatments that are often advised to help a brain recover from the trauma. The first thing to do after getting a concussion is simply to rest. Taking the time to lay down away from bright lights and loud noises can do a lot for your brain. It is important that even if a concussed person is not laying down, they do not resume activities that are cognitively demanding until after they have healed, including watching television, reading, driving, texting, using headphones or doing work or homework.
Anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen can be helpful in relieving headaches and nausea. After a few days, you may start to feel better but you may still experience headaches and back or neck pain. In an accident, specifically in car accidents, an injury or misalignment of another body part aside from the head can also occur, including an injury to the the neck or the back.
A great way to relieve this pain from these areas may be to visit a chiropractor such as Elite Chiropractic. Chiropractors perform all sorts of different treatments for back pain and are professionals when it comes to the neck and the back. Visiting a chiropractor also will not only help with the pain in your back and neck but can help with lingering headaches. Reach out to us at Elite Chiropractic in Wenatchee, WA to learn more about how an adjustment can help with your concussion or to schedule an appointment.