About Us
At Elite Chiropractic, our goal is to better our community by improving health and well being at the individual level. This improvement is done by focusing on the structure of the spine. Just like blood pressure, hormone levels, cholesterol, etc. have what is considered normal ranges, our spines have an acceptable normal as well. In our office, we use many non-invasive, conservative treatments and therapies that help restore your spine to its proper structure. Spines that have shifted from normal structure are prone to aches and pains, tension and spasms, numbness and tingling in the extremities, among other things. Our office has the tools to find you relief, and address the underlying issues that lead you to seek care.
What to Expect
The first thing that will take place is a consultation. It is there that the Doctor will gain an understanding of your unique health history. After your history, the Doctor will go over treatment options both in and out of our office. We will then decide collectively whether to move forward with the exam. The exam can then consist of digital motion analysis, neurofunctional spinal scan and structural radiographs. After the exam, we typically start your first treatment session in order to begin your road to recovery.